SHS senior awards program announces scholarships
Shelbyville High School’s Senior Awards program was a bit different this year.

With campus closed since March, the annual program was held remotely on May 13.
The Class of 2020 earned $2,864,887 in scholarship money from the colleges and universities they plan to attend in the fall, based on the data they previously submitted.
The combined amount awarded, including the scholarships that were recognized during the program, was around $3,534,112.
The recording of the program can be found by going to Go to the Students tab and click on Counseling. The 2020 Senior Awards Program link can be found on the right side of the page.
This year’s scholarship recipients were:
Andrew P. Winzenread Scholarship – Mason Coffey
Arthur and Hazel McKenney Scholarship – Madison Adkins
Bob and Bev Gardner Scholarship – Luke Asher and Makayla Terrell
BPA Award – Matthew Baker
Brazeway Leadership Award – Julia Hamblen
Business Development Award – Ethan Bohman
Charles P. Sindlinger Scholarship – Katelyn On, Braelyn Stacy, Andrew Walke, Hanna Baker, Kathryn Aldridge, Stephen Alvarado, Mackenzie Endsley, Madison Evans, Hailey Gilbert, Morgan Hinderliter, Kayleigh Kieninger, Taylor Richey, Jocelyn Sadlowski, Erica Smith, Cory Taylor, Makayla Terrell and Landon Watson
Chester G. And Mildred M. Sandman Scholarship – Anne Chenoweth
Chin-Sang/Kidman Scholarship – Sabrina Jacobs, Reid Schene and Bailee Zobel
D.A.R. Good Citizen Award – Andrew Walke
Dale McDaniel Scholarship – Catherine Hall
Daniel and Emma Avery – Mariana Fletes-Cuevas
Daughters of Isabella/Knights of Columbus Scholarship – Alexandra Watson
Delta Theta Tau Sorority Scholarship – Hannah Johnson
Doris and Joseph Butler Memorial Scholarship – Julia Hamblen
Eastern Star: Naamah Chapter Scholarship – Luke Asher, Alexandra Watson and Julie Hamblen
F.O.P. Fallen Officer Memorial Scholarship – Julia Hamblen
Gene and Kay Dellekamp Scholarship – Julia Hamblen
George E. Kent Scholarship – Andrew Walke
Girls Inc., Duba Scholarship – Jillian Linville
Girls Inc., Feathers Scholarship – Jillian Linville
Golden Bear Booster Club Scholarship – Luke Asher and Makayla Terrell
Harvest Land Scholarship – Julia Hamblen
Hugh and Barbara Leary Memorial Scholarship – Morgan Stieneker
Indianapolis Star Academic All-Star – Reid Schene
James Peck Memorial Scholarship – Hannah Johnson
Jennifer Lynn (Jones) Hardin Memorial Scholarship – Jillian Linville
John C. And Martha Jane DePrez Memorial Scholarship – Madison Evans
John R. And Rosamond Terry Page Scholarship – Hannah Johnson
John R. Foltz Memorial Scholarship – Alexandra Carter
Joseph and Laura Plymate Scholarship – August Mauer
Kappa Delta Phi Scholarship – Megan Brown and Anne Chenoweth
Karol Carwein Elementary Education Scholarship – Kylie Brattain
Katie Ernstes Memorial Scholarship – Hannah Lux
Laura H. Billman Memorial Scholarship – Julia Prickett and Mitchell Smith
Lisa Cates Scholarship – Madisen Hinderliter
Louis and Mary J. Abstine Scholarships – Alexandra Carter, Reid Schene and Joshua von Werder
Marjorie L. McNamara Education Scholarship – Hanna Baker
Martin and Mary Schulz Scholarship – Catherine Hall
Mary Platt Oxford Teaching Scholarship – Luke Asher and Alexandra Carter
National Merit Scholar Finalist – Reid Schene and Joshua von Werder
Nolan Parker Memorial Scholarship – Evan Witte
Paul and Velta Harrell Memorial Scholarship – Carson Blair, Catherine Hall, Julia Hamblen and Isabella Lewis
Phillip Wiseman Memorial Scholarship – Luke Asher
Rick G. Bartlett Memorial Scholarship – Justice Gibson
Robert J. Zimny Scholarship – Collin Miltz
Rotary Club Scholarship – Megan Brown
Runnebohm Construction Scholarship – Braelyn Stacy
Rush Shelby Energy Scholarship – Reid Schene
Shelby County Cattleman’s Association Scholarship – Julia Hamblen
Shelby County Legacy Scholarship – Hannah Lux
Shelbyville Central Teachers Association Future Educator Scholarship – Julia Hamblen
Shelbyville Kiwanis Club Scholarship – Megan Brown
Shelbyville Lions Club Scholarship – Alexandra Carter and Julia Hamblen
SHS Student Council Scholarship – Lucas Hinderliter
Tri-Kappa Scholarship – Megan Brown and Julia Hamblen
Vestavia Club Award (Lady Mayor award) – Katelyn On
Wanda Hindman Memorial Nursing Scholarship – Kathryn Aldridge
Wertz Teacher Scholarship – Kylie Brattain
Willard and Naomi Maxwell Day and Herbert and Evelyn Day Scholarship – Julia Hamblen and Jillian Linville
Wiliam Roland Stine Memorial Scholarship – Alexandra Watson