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ARC presents awards to educators

Darah Knopp, Becky Sipes and Kelley Robinson, left to right, all in the Shelbyville Central Schools system, werehonored by the ARC of Shelby County for their work with special needs students. The awards were presented by Mayor Tom DeBaun, right, atthe local ARC’s annual dinneron Tuesday.

The ARC of Shelby County has honored four members of the Shelbyville Central Schools community for their work with special needs students.

Darah Knopp, who teaches at Shelbyville High School, received the Outstanding Special Ed Teacher of the Year Award.

Becky Sipes, a classroom teaching assistant at Hendricks Elementary School, was named Staff Person of the Year.

Kelley Robinson, a certified occupational therapist with the school corporation, was awarded Education Professional of the Year.

All three were honored at the annual ARC dinner held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Tuesday evening.

In addition, David Adams, Superintendent of Shelbyville Central Schools, who was unable to attend the dinner, received the local ARC’s first-ever Exceptional Service Award on Thursday morning.

He was nominated for his role in launching the new Preschool Academy due to open in the former Marsh Supermarket building next year.

The ARC of Shelby County advocates for those with special needs in the community.

For information, go to

Thank you to the Shelbyville News for use of this article.

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