SHS students raise money for animal shelter

zzy Martin and Taylor Biggerman have been cooped up at home, stuck courtesy of school moving to virtual learning and unable to go out because of Gov. Eric Holcomb’s stay-at-home order.
Looking for something to do, the Shelbyville High School students came up with an idea. As a result, the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter will be the beneficiary.
After watching a post on Tik Tok of someone completing a marathon, the two decided they wanted to do the same.
“It seemed like a cool idea,” Martin said. “We were stuck in quarantine. It gave us something to do.”
Martin’s father, J.D., said she wouldn’t do it, which was all the inspiration Izzy needed. Her father told her he would pay them $1 for every mile they completed, with half of it going to a charity of their choice.
So Martin, who just finished her junior year at the high school, and Biggerman, who finished her sophomore year, decided that they would raise money for the animal shelter.
“It was kind of like the first thing that popped in my head,” Martin said. “I’ve always considered myself to be an animal person.”
J.D. Martin posted the idea on Facebook and it blew up from there. People chipped in their donations, even days after they were done with their walk.
The two lifelong friends, who started their 26.2 mile walk at 6 a.m. May 7, went on to raise $618 from J.D. Martin and donations on Facebook.
By early afternoon, Martin could go no further, suffering blisters on her feet. She made it to 21 miles.
Biggerman kept going and finished the entire distance around 2 p.m., joined by Shelbyville High School track and field coach Whitney Campbell, who biked the final five miles, Martin said.
The two will be setting a date to deliver a check to the shelter.